About Us
Transportes Lalgy is a 100% Mozambican company, headquartered in Matola, specializing in the transport of various cargo. Lalgy’s experience, expertise and variety of state-of-the-art equipment help to optimize working time, operate very efficiently and increase safety in all sectors of activity.
For better management
We reach you anywhere at SADC
Connecting Mozambique with
the rest of Africa
Major Projects
To testify our vast experience
Our Latest News
Simulation of first aid in Beira, Sofala Province
A road accident involving a tanker truck loaded with fuel and a light vehicle. The simulacrum in question comes t...
Be More Productive on Your Daily Work
Being productive at work is a great tool to leverage your career.By accomplishing a lot with as few resources as ...
Newsletter of August
Projecto de Carregamento de TubosA Transportes Lalgy tem estado envolvida no transporte de tubos desde o início do mê...
Vaccination of the collaborators of Transportes Lalgy against COVID-19
Transportes Lalgy called the brigade of MISAU (Ministry of Health), to vaccinate its collaborators against COVID-...
Delivery of Material for the 2nd Provincial Meeting on Road Accidents
Transportes Lalgy delivered banners, t-shirts, badges and alcohol gel to the representative of the city of Beira....
Crane Loading
On the 4th of September of the current year, Transportes Lalgy carried out the loading of a crane at the Port of ...
FLNG Project: Loading of Spare Parts
The loading of parts of the structural platforms of the FLNG project, at the port of Pemba, was executed in Octob...
New pumps at Tchumene 2
With the aim of reducing the traffic in supplying the company's vehicles, another fuel pump was built with a tota...
Fertilizer loading from Maputo port to South Africa
Transportes Lalgy carried out a shipment of fertilizers last month, September, from the Port of Maputo to Wonderf...
Newsletter de Agosto
Projecto de Carregamento de Tubos
A Transportes Lalgy tem estado envolvida no transporte de tubos desde o início do mês de Agosto para ...